Expired Vol. 4 - Ansco Versapan
Hi folks! I've put together a third volume of Expired. This one contains 50ish photos taken on Ansco Versapan 4x5 film.
I shot them in 2022, mostly in July, and mostly in the midwest.
The text comes from the travel journal I kept while shooting.
92 pages.
7.5" x 7.5" paperback.
Here's the intro from the book:
Like the previous volume, this book contains the better part of two boxes of
sheet film. In this case, Ansco Versapan, expired in May of 1964. This makes
it the newest film used so far in this project.
Versapan is a "very fine grain panchromatic film." Its original speed was 100
ASA. It was often used in medical photography. I shot it at 12 ISO and
developed it in generic HC-110.
During the summer of 2022, I kept a journal while traveling and shooting.
My trip took me from Seattle, through Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah, and back.
In the evening, after I was settled down in my tent, I’d pull out my notebook
and write a page or two. The writing in this book is that, more or less.
Sometimes it has something to do with the photos, sometimes it doesn’t.
This is something a little new for me, and I’m not yet sure it works. While
the previous book was an exercise in memory, this volume is its opposite.
Writing each day preserved the memories before time and miles could
distort them too badly.
There are a few longer entries, such as my hike to Chimney Rock, that I
hope do not overstay their welcome.

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