Image 1 of Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film Image 2 of Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film Image 3 of Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film Image 4 of Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film Image 5 of Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film

Expired Vol. 3 - Photographs on Dead Film


Hi folks! I've put together a third volume of Expired. This one contains 45ish photos of Ansco Triple S Ortho 4x5. Mostly taken with the Chamonix, but sometimes a Graflex.

I shot them across half the country, from Washington to Texas, from California to North Dakota.

There's also a bit of writing and explanation for each photo.

92 pages.

7.5" x 7.5" paperback.

Here's the intro from the book:

This book is a slight departure from the first two. Those featured twenty-five photos - every single sheet of both packs of expired Ansco film. This book, Volume Three, noticeably larger, is taken from two packs of the same emulsion and even the same batch numbers.

That emulsion was Ansco Triple S Ortho. It expired in September of 1955. Ortho, short of orthochromatic, essentially means that the film is only sensitive to greens and blues. Any reds are not picked up by the emulsion and are thus rendered black. All that you could ever care to know about this emulsion is on the inside rear cover.

Though I attempted to shoot all fifty sheets, there were several fatal mistakes along the way, returning nothing more than blank or badly damaged negatives. There is no point in showing those. Find a piece of white paper and there's your approximation.

This book is also an exercise in memory. I once claimed to be able to remember every large format shot I've ever taken. I seriously doubt this was ever true, but all of the words from here on out are based mostly on memory (I'm sure I'll look some stuff up for clarification).

The book is really a story of my shooting season of 2021 - spring, summer and autumn.

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